Experienced Association Manager and Executive
November 19, 2021
Dear iCERT members -
As you know, at the beginning of November, Kim Scovill notified our Board Chairman, Eric Hagerson, and I that he planned to phase out of his iCERT role 100% by December 31st. Knowing this time would come, I had spent a fair amount of time during my first month as iCERT's Executive Director, assessing what iCERT's needs would be when Kim eventually decided to step away.
As a result, upon receiving Kim's news, I immediately developed a job description, based on input from Kim, as well as what I believe will best complement me and the current team of consultants, volunteer leaders and interns to meet iCERT's needs going forward.
Today, I am pleased to announce the hiring of Drew Preston, as iCERT's Membership and Public Affairs Manager. Drew will officially join iCERT effective December 1st. This will allow him to overlap with Kim, and join in my transition throughout December, as well as attend our December Board meeting and the all-member meeting.
Drew comes to iCERT from the Associated Industries of Florida, the state affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers, where he led business development, member engagement, and strategic partnerships. He previously worked at the Florida Chamber of Commerce as Vice President and Chief of Staff, where he oversaw new revenue, strategic initiatives, and special projects. Prior to joining the Florida Chamber, Drew spent a decade in Washington, DC with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Having recently relocated back to the DC area with his family, we are pleased to have Drew join the iCERT team.
George Kelemen
Executive Director
Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies, Inc.